Christ the King
Colombian Orchids - Courtesy of Agnes Epp It's Christ the King Sunday today. I didn't know that until the pastor announced it at Hively Avenue Mennonite this morning. The sermon was about king, kingdom and the role of subjects of the kingdom of which Jesus speaks when Pilate asks him if he is, or isn't, a king. (John 18: 33-37) I'm not enthusiastic about kings and queens generally; to me the terms and the political structures they represent are anachronistic at best, archaic at least, and probably representative of multiple evils of power, pomp and class systems . . . always. But in order to emphasize that Jesus is the maker, the finisher of the Christian faith, and God's “governor general” on earth, there had to be a time when the right word was king. Then there's the even more used “Lord,” and the question of whether written in capitals ( LORD ) as opposed to Lord is significant. I read somewhere that LORD should be used only f...