Happy Easter!

A Catholic Charitable organization sends me a rosary every year. This time, I'm determined to find out what it means and how it's used. I’ve two Good Friday services to go to today; I’ve decided not to go to either. I find the ritualistic retelling of the execution of Jesus and the story of the resurrection unsettling, not because it’s not worth telling, but because experience has suggested that its repetition year after year, in the same manner as the year before, produces little outward consequence and so seems more of a self-indulgence than a renewed “call to arms.” But that’s me. Not that the content of the message is completely trouble-free for me either. In the hymns we sing, in the sermons we hear, the core message is roughly this: we are all sinners (“would he devote that sacred head for such a worm as I”) and Jesus’ suffering and death was substitutionary; that is to say, God allowing his own son to be...