The question of relevance
“It’s quite strange to expect people to conform to your morals because you quoted a book they don’t read” So says Benjamin Sledge in a post called Let’s Stop Pretending Christianity is Actually Relevant, Okay ? He also says that an American survey found that while 75+% of Americans say they’re Christians, 82% of millennials (born after 1990) concede that Christian faith is irrelevant to their lives. What being “Christian” actually means is something I’d be loathe to define. I’ve heard people say that winning a Catholic to Pentecostalism through a “born again” experience constituted “becoming a Christian.” We sing in our churches, “they will know we are Christians by our love,” and in worldwide statistics surrounding different religions, the persons included under “Christian” constitute 32% of the world’s population: 2,300,000,000 people. We are the largest religious denomination by far. Yeh! I wonder what the number would be if we were to include only t...