The "O" in "NOW"

The “O” in “Now” Time present and time past Are both perhaps present in time future, And time future contained in time past. If all time is eternally present All time is unredeemable. (From T.S. Eliot, Burnt Norton) Were there no dog doing odd gyrations in the street in front of the post office, Sol would spend less time on the balcony and the unbelievable coincidence would not happen. The purpose behind the canine’s pirouetting is of no particular interest to Sol; it's the spectacle that rivets him. Over the tips of the spruce trees backgrounding the post office, sun dogs form tall pillars as if framing the red brick of that ancient structure—with the date of its nativity, 1902, above the shiny aluminum-and-glass doors. So anachronistic, it seems to Sol, and so not in keeping with the stateliness of the Victorian flounces and curlicues, the arched windows. Sol lights a second cigarette; the dog—a nervous rat terrier—stops his dance long enough to ...