naked man seated on a toilet

Complementing the colour blue. Community of communities “ God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning — the sixth day.” Genesis 1:31 I picture a man (likely not Moses) holding a quill and writing Hebrew words onto a papyrus scroll some 2700 years ago, words that would forever be preserved as sacred writing, translated and transliterated until I, today, experience the writer’s thoughts transferred from his brain to mine through the reading of it. I picture other men choosing among volumes and volumes of writing those that are worthy of preservation, and discarding those that are not until a package of writings we now know as The Bible is declared the completed word. That both the writers and the preservers were inspired goes without saying; a person picking up a quill and setting out on the laborious task of interpreting our world never does so without inspiration. It’s not unlike the sculptor who visualizes an o...