Will the real Israel please stand up!

I'm not sure what artist and friend Jill Mitchell titled this work, but I call it, "I could be fifteen and walking down that road, dreaming!" Check out her amazing art at https://www.facebook.com/jillmitchelloriginalart Are you bothered by the seemingly insurmountable problem of achieving an Israeli/Palestinian peace? I know I am. For followers of Christ, both the source and the solution are head-scratchers. Our religion can be justifiably called a Jewish sect in that our very faith grows out of the revelation of—and the record of—interaction between Jewry and YHWH, the record of those revelations and events being vital parts of our Christian scriptures. In other words, we are unable to see the State of Israel, its establishment and survival as objectively as we can, for instance, the annexation of Crimea by Russia. The website of a Zionist organization called The Refiner’s Fire has posted 10 Old Testament prophecies fulfilled in the existence of modern-day ...