Energy from above - solar panels on a church?
Jasper Our congregation is meeting over a bag lunch today to decide whether or not to pursue the possibility of covering the south-facing roof with solar panels. Obviously, the work and expense that that would take, the possible compromise to the roof, the appearance of the structure as it is mean that there needs to be a compelling reason to proceed with such a project beyond saving money. It would take years of reduced power bills to recoup the cost of such a project. The compelling reason for considering the solar-panel proposal must link to our overall convictions regarding our calling as a congregation. Whether or not that calling includes earth care will certainly weigh in on the discussion. It’s possible that some of us will see environmental concerns to be overblown, their urgency exaggerated in comparison to, say, economic challenges. Some will probably express the view that climate change is potentially so great a threat to human, animal and plant life that to ...