New Wine, New Wine Skins
New Wine, New Wine Skins ". . . and some fell on stony ground . . ." Jasper, 2008 Quite coincidentally, we hit upon and watched The Diary of Anne Frank on a film streaming service , and I looked for something to read and found Alison Pick’s Far to Go on a bookshelf, and —given the many free hours COVID-19 has forced upon us—I’ve become a bit preoccupied with times of horror and destruction and the rebuilding after loss and sorrow. Quite naturally, I couldn’t avoid the “why?” question, the one with which we’re currently wrestling in an uneven match whose outcome is still in doubt. The film and the book both focus on the lives of Jews caught up in the worst holocaust of all time for that ethnicity: the NAZI’s final solution beside which the exile to Babylon pales in significance. And then, we binge-watched UNORTHODOX , about a young woman in an Orthodox Jewish enclave of New York who by personality is unsuited to the rigours of her culture, escapes and is...