Individual and Church – What about Creeds and Confessions?
Individual and Church – What about Creeds and Confessions?© George G. Epp Early Anabaptism in Switzerland wasn’t even slightly similar to a tent-meeting spiritual revival nor to a protest movement like Black Lives Matter. It was much more like the proverbial snowball rolling down a hill, gathering a bit here, a bit there until an identifiable mass was observable. The people we associate with this early, tentative movement—Conrad Grebel, Felix Manz, George Blaurock—survived only the initial few years of a fledgling development, leaving small pockets of adherents drawn mainly by the argument for adult baptism, for discipleship and—probably—by disaffection with municipal and church authoritarianism. But there came a time when those drawn into the movement would be shown to disagree on one or more of the myriad questions that face a purpose-bound, developing community, Christians’ obligations to the state, for example. The over-arching sensibility was bound ...