On Worth and Value
“Wow,” he exclaimed, “that’s a snazzy watch. What’s it worth?” I know what he means by worth ; he wants to know how much I paid for it. “It was a gift from my students. I’ve no idea what they paid for it.” “I’d guess about twenty-five hundred dollars,” he said seizing my wrist and bringing the watch up to his face for a closer look. I’d be depressed if my watch happened to be lost or stolen. Not because of its dollar value, but because of the reminder that I have been a person whose presence among my fellow humans was noted and appreciated. Also, the face is large, clear, and easy for my tired eyes to read. There are obviously more measures of worth than the amount of cash that’s exchanged. Perhaps we could better visualize worth if we defined it as: “the amount and kind of assets (money, comfort, reputation, freedom, time, leisure, etc.) that must be given up in order to acquire what’s desired or needed.” lf vaccination were to be made mandatory in a time of pandemic, thos...