You, me, God and Darwin
For many Christian believers, accepting the factuality of an evolutionary process in the shaping of the human species has been “a bridge too far.” For them, too much depends on the creationist view of origins to allow for compromise on the Genesis account. They tend to say that if the Genesis creation account is untrustworthy, then how can the rest of the Old Testament/Bible be trusted? A majority of Christians, I think, have settled on a kind of compromise: two accounts of the origins of living species, both with merit and both intriguing, but no urgency for them personally to pick one over the other. If this is you, you can probably sing with gusto, “This is my Father’s world, and to my listening ears, all nature sings and ‘round me rings the music of the spheres,” and then go back to work at carbon-dating and classifying fossils that pre-date Abrahamic religions’ creation accounts by ...