On Pitchforks and Politics

"If I had a Million Dollars," I wouldn't be sittin' under this tree, waitin' for a bus. Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico, March 2019 The wealth of the rich is their fortified city, but poverty is the ruin of the poor. (Proverbs 10:15) How poor do you have to be to be poor ? How rich do you have to be to be called wealthy ? Type the words poor and poverty into the search engine on a Bible website like Bible Gateway and you’ll leave with the impression that the wealth/poverty tension is not only present from Genesis to Revelation, but that it’s one of its central themes. Granted, we have all kinds of conventional wisdom about the obvious, which is that there have always been rich people who are able to luxuriate in the freedom excessive means provide, and there have always been a vast majority preoccupied with scraping together the bare necessities of survival. “ Money can’t buy happiness.” Who said that, and if it’s true, why do the bulk...