John 3 - the "born again" mystery
John 3 provides a concise, if enigmatic, summary of what has come to be the core of evangelical theology . Mankind is flesh, food, earthy. He is, by all accounts, an animal that is born, feeds reproduces, ages and dies. According to John, though, there is a possibility for more, and that more is hard to embrace because, like the wind, it comes and goes invisibly from and to wherever it will. It is therefore different from the material world that we sense on a daily basis and so it must be apprehended differently. The spirit comes to the one who believes, the one who is, as it were, born over again into a spiritual realm where all is new and different. Nicodemus apparently comes prepared to be inspired to something more than he has so far experienced as a mortal being; he recognizes in Jesus a teacher who possesses something more than life has offered him so far. He comes at night because the niceties of his formal life as a person of importance in the ruling class would...